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Missions & Parish Outreach

The First Congregational of Scarborough ministers personally and financially to the local and world community.

Our congregation is committed to dedicating 10% of its income to agencies and missions outside of our church. We are also dedicated to providing our time and talent to serving others in need.

Our Missions group oversees the distribution of church funds, raised by our church community, to organizations that serve human and community needs locally, nationally and world wide.

The number of local agencies who have benefited from our members contribution over our 290 years is significant. The following are the current donations made to support to our community:

  • American Red Cross - supporting relief programs for Hurricanes Milton and Helene victims
  • Scarborough Food Pantry - supporting Southern Maine residents
  • Maine Veteran's Home - supporting Maine veterans
  • Child Fund International - supporting children we have sponsored in Brazil and Uganda
  • Scarborough Police Department's Social Services Division - supporting Scarborough residents
  • Caring Unlimited - supporting York County's Domestic Violence Program
  • Through These Doors - supporting Cumberland County residents
  • Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence - supporting Maine residents



Stewardship can be defined as:  Utilizing and managing all of the resources God provides for the glory of God and the betterment of His creation.  "The earth is the Lord's and everything in it, the world and all who live in it."  Psalm 24:1

We are a small but mighty piece of God's world, we are careful stewards of the resources He has given to us.

Currently, we are asking you to imagine using our resources in new ways, to build a strong and thriving community filled with the Holy Spirit, welcoming outsiders to join us in our commitment to love one another as Jesus loves us. 

This is a welcoming place, a generous place, a caring place.  Yet, many of us are getting old and tired, maybe too tired to carry out the physical tasks.  We are never to old, however, to be loving to others, to pray for others and show hospitality to others.

Jesus asked Peter, "Do you love me"?  Peter responded three times, "Yes Lord, you know I do".

Jesus said, "Feed my sheep".  Jesus did not mean give the people food alone.  He meant to feed the people with love and caring, to feed their souls.

When I imagine the future of this church, I imagine feeding people, expanding beyond the food pantry, to provide a free community meal, showing hospitality and welcoming strangers into our Vestry.

People say that is a lot of work!  That will cost a lot of money!  We are too old and tired to do all that!

I hear those concerns, but they do not stop me from imagining:  I imagine asking non-church members to help me.  I imagine finding food supplies that go untouched at the food pantry.  I imagine finding low-cost recipes, foods that work nicely in crock pots.

I imagine learning to run the dishwasher and learning new ways of connecting with people. I imagine some of you joining me as hosts and hostesses to sit and eat with our guests to be sure no one feels left out or unwelcome.

Gail Dobriko said not to talk about money, so I won't, but we do hope you will make your pledge to help God reach more lost sheep.  Thank you all so much - this little church means a lot to me as my community of belonging.  I pray it becomes that for so many others as well.



Household Assistance Fund

A fund supplied by Hannaford ClynkBag donations has been established to help individuals in our church struggling to heat their homes in the winter and pay for other utilities.  Please contact our Pastor at the church office at (207) 883-2342.  All requests are confidential between our members and Pastor.


Financial Church Donation

Thank you for your interest in making a financial donation to the First Congregational Church of Scarborough - a non-profit religious organization that supports many local community groups and hosts the Scarborough Food Pantry for the benefit of the greater Portland community.

By clicking on the "CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION TO SUPPORT THE CHURCH" button on the HOME page, you will be directed to our PayPal financial service partner's website with the option to make a donation via your PayPal account or Debit/Credit card.  The church pays PayPal a fee for this service, so please consider a small increase to your donation to offset these expenses, or consider a direct check payment to the church via mail or office visit.

You may direct your donation/contribution to support:

  • General Church Expenses (10% of these donations are directed to our Missions and Outreach programs)
  • Church Investment Fund (an endowment for the church where earnings and interest can be used to support the church)
  • Special Cause (please specify the specific cause you are donating/contributing towards)
  • Memorial Donation (you can optionally specify more details when making the donation on the PayPal page)

Scarborough Food Pantry

The Scarborough Food Pantry is always looking for donations to help those who have food insecurity.  Please consider a weekly or monthly donation of food or personal care items to help out.  Checks are always appreciated to help purchase items that are needed to stock the shelves with food.  Checks can be made out to "Scarborough Food Pantry" and dropped off at the church office or mailed to First Congregational Church of Scarborough, 161 Black Point Road, Scarborough ME 04074.


"For I, the LORD your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you'.”

The Scarborough Food Pantry has existed formally since 1992.  Due to our strong history of collecting and donating food for those in need in our community, this church was designated as an official state food pantry where it could receive food from the federal government’s surplus foods program. A team of volunteers started the Scarborough Food Pantry, which is still going strong 30+ years later!

This food pantry has served thousands of families during its existence and delivered over a million pounds of food to those in need.  The volunteers always treat the families with care, respect and a generous spirit. There are no residency requirements and the food pantry is open every Tuesday and Thursday from 1:30 to 4:00 pm in the Parish Hall of the church.  For more information, please contact the church office at 207-883-2342.  They will put you in touch with the food pantry volunteers.

During the month of December 2024, we served 139 individuals who picked up food from the food pantry which equals 365 family members being fed.  Of those individuals, 11 were new to the food pantry.


Our church is blessed with an atmosphere and pastor who believes that a church family takes care of one another.

Rev. Linda Hey, a United Church of Christ pastor,  spends many of her days visiting the house-bound or ill members of our church community.  She has the gift of compassion and hopes to brighten up those she visits. 

Our Spiritual Care Committee sends cards of support to these individuals also, ensuring that they are in our prayers and not alone.


161 Black Point Road
Scarborough, ME 04074
Phone: (207) 883-2342
Click for a MAP.

About Us:

We are a vibrant, traditional congregation that has a rich history of service and fellowship. We are a community of the United Church of Christ, believing God is guiding us. We hold to the Bible and believe in Jesus.

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