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Men's Fellowship

The Men's Fellowship meets on an as needed basis in the Ladies Parlor of the Parish Hall.

The mission for the Men’s Group of the First Congregational Church is to foster fellowship and Christian spirit while working to address some of the unmet needs of the church.

The work that this group of men offers has tremendous value for keeping our buildings and property in excellent condition. They participate in the church's annual Yuletide Fair by offering coffee ans breakfast treats.

They encourage all men of the church to join this group.

A few of the many projects they have accomplished are:

  • Improved the handrails for the Church ramp and added a doorbell.
  • Donated and replaced ceiling lights in the Parish Hall.
  • Sponsors the Mother’s Day Service by ushering, reading scriptures, hosting neighboring and providing flowers.
  • Added handrails to the altar area.


161 Black Point Road
Scarborough, ME 04074
Phone: (207) 883-2342
Click for a MAP.

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We are a vibrant, traditional congregation that has a rich history of service and fellowship. We are a community of the United Church of Christ, believing God is guiding us. We hold to the Bible and believe in Jesus.

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