HOW DO I FIND A SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS, A SMALL GROUP OR A BIBLE STUDY? *** Sunday School classes for elementary grades are taught in the Sunday School classrooms located in the Parish Hall behind the church building. Sunday School classes are held after the Children's Time during our worship services and last for about an hour. For information on how you can sign up your children, please call the church office at 883-2342 and we will do our best to assist you.
*** Information and dates for small group activities at the First Congregational Church of Scarborough are usually publicized during the announcements before Sunday morning worship, in our newsletter, in the Sunday worship bulletin, and on our website calendar (under Outreach heading). If you discover something that interests you, the announcement that brought it to your attention will have information as to how you can sign up. Or you can call the church office at 883-2342 for more information.
*** Bible Studies are held several times a year and will be publicized during the announcements before Sunday morning worship, in our newsletter, in the Sunday worship bulletin, and on our website calendar (under Outreach heading). All are welcome to join. HOW DO I JOIN THE CHOIR AT THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH OF SCARBOROUGH? "Make a Joyful Noise to the Lord!" the psalmist encourages. If you have a desire to sing in the Senior Choir, or take part in one of the special holiday performances that Wendy Northrup, our choir director, often organizes, we would love to have you do so. You can talk to Wendy before or after a Sunday worship service, email her at fccmusic@fccscarborough.com, or contact the church office at 207-883-2342 for more information. WHERE DO I FIND RESOURCES TO GROW IN MY FAITH? The First Congregational Church of Scarborough cares about your spiritual needs and wants to provide the resources you need to develop your faith. Since everyone's needs and interests are different, we recommend you start by contacting the pastor and consulting with him/her about the particular resources you are seeking. Call the church office at 207-883-2342. TELL ME HOW I CAN CONNECT...... There are many ways to connect with other parishioners at our church. There are Worship Services, Neighboring after worship, Sunday School, teach or volunteer at Sunday School, Stephen's Ministries, Senior Choir, Women's Fellowship, Men's Fellowship, join a board or committee and Bible Studies. If you have any questions or have an interest in any of the groups, please call the church office at 207-883-2342 for more information. |